

Before the Heavens and Earth were formed The Father breathed into existence "The Word". He was the exact image of His Father and the exact representation of His very being, He was given the name of His Father, a name that sets them apart from all other names, the name YAHUAH. From that moment, when the Father spoke, The Word brought it into existence. He, The Son, was and is and will be The Yahuah Alahym (God) whom The Father has appointed Heir of all things, whether in Heaven or on Earth. All that exists came into being through Him and all that exists was made for Him. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He exists to carry out the will of His Father. No Man has seen The Father at any time because He dwells in unapproachable light, it is The Son who has declared Him.

It pleased the Father to make The Son the head over all of Creation. He is the "Word", the one who spoke to Adam and Eve and walked with them in the Garden of Eden. The one who spoke to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who knew him by his title AL SHADY (God Almighty). (Moses was privileged to know his true name). He became, as we are, Flesh. He humbled (emptied Himself of all importance) to the point of being a little lower than the angels (messengers) whereupon He was transferred by Holy Spirit to the womb of the Virgin Mary, She being the vessel that clothed him in a fleshly body, a body that would later be presented as the last and final offering for the sins (disobedience) of the world.

When He was born into the world He received his name from His Heavenly Father, the Name spoken by the Angel to Joseph, "you will call His name YAHUSHAH (Jesus) because He will Save His people from their sins". As a child, needing all the same care and education as we do, He grew up being subjected to His father Joseph's will, but by the time He reached puberty He already knew more than His teachers and when the time arrived for His Anointing, being about 30 years old, His Heavenly Father guided Him to John the Baptist who had been sent to prepare The Way. He received the power of Holy Spirit from The Father upon coming up out of the water of Baptism and was now empowered to declare, with signs and miracles, The Good News about the plan of Redemption from Death and the power of Satan.

Although being in Human form, a Jew of the tribe of Judah and of the House of David, He was faithful in all things, He did not Sin. He fulfilled the Law which had been given through Moses, a Law which brought death to those under it, a Law which could never take away sin. He stayed faithful to the Law until His Death, which meant that, because He did not sin, He was no longer under the power of the Law, so Death could not hold onto Him. Because of this The Father resurrected Him back to Life in the flesh, He came out of the tomb with the same body that went in and He was seen by witnesses to the fact.

When the time arrived for Him to return home to His Heavenly Father His fleshly body was transformed into a Spiritual Body that still bears the marks of His death, marks that will be viewed by those who inflicted them on him, marks that are evidence of what took place. He gave His life so that His people, which includes all of Israel, could have a new hope in this life and through believing in Him they would receive the undeserved kindness from The Father and the Gift of Eternal Life which comes through The Son. The Scriptures say that The Son died for the whole World because we are all guilty of sin and deserving of Death. Those who claim to have no sin are condemned already because they trample underfoot The Son of Alahym (God).


what do we have to do to overcome our present condition? Well! First we have to acknowledge that we have sinned and are sorry for the way we have lived our lives and are ready to stop what we have been doing up to this point. We have to be honest about what we say and ask for forgiveness. Then all you have to do is BELIEVE what The Father has said through His Son, that if you confess with your mouth, "Yahushah (Jesus is Lord) and believe in your heart that The Father raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. He, The Father, has provided LIFE through our belief in his Son and what Yahushah went through made it all possible.

We must die, not literally (although the body still dies from old age) just dying to our former selves and having a good conscience (not doing anything that would offend The Father) being Baptised immersed in water as a symbol of our death to this world then being raised up out of the water to a new life now and the promise of a life to come. By following this Way, you will be able to approach the Father. You were once condemned to death by the Creators Law. Now if you believe what Yahushah has said, you are dead to this life and if you accept the Life offered to you by The Father through Yahushah you are alive again and not under the Law which brings death.

We normally have a tendency to question things and like to research a subject before committing to what it teaches. We have an inbuilt mistrust of others who tell us something is right or "the truth" and this makes it hard to accept. This is why the scriptures are so important because you can check them out for yourself. Faith comes from Learning about what the Father has provided for our Salvation.


Almost any Bible Translation will deliver the Good News from The Father through His Son. How can we say this? Well! It is the Spirit that bares witness to the truth, if your heart and mind are set towards believing, the Spirit confirms to you that the words are true by touching your heart, and you will feel it, it is a very real experience. We usually require evidence, something concrete because we have to have a firm foundation to base our belief on. Is there such evidence to back up what is written in the Bible, something we can rely on as hard evidence?

You shouldn't be surprised at the answer to this question because the evidence is staring you in the face. In the opening chapters of the Bible the explanation of how the Earth was formed and how we came into being is written for all to see, the evidence that backs up the written word is the Earth itself! The Bible bears witness to: the Creation of the Heavens, the Sun, Moon and Stars, the Earth with all its varied life forms, the creation of Man and Woman. The Creators words spoken through the prophets foretelling what was to come, the Seed of Promise made to Abraham, through faith, meaning He believed what Yahuah had said.

The Good News or Gospels, cover the birth, life, death and resurrection of Yahushah (Jesus) and accounts of those who believed and bore witness to what they heard and saw regarding Yahushah (Jesus). The Bible is a witness to The Father and His Love toward us all! There is no other Book like it in this World! What has become known as "The Old Testament" actually contains the Good News about what was to come, the birth of The Messiah.

The evidence today of Yahuah's faithfulness is the Nation of Israel having been brought back into existence, gathered back from the nations to their own land. Yahuah has fulfilled his promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) and soon the Nation of Israel will look upon the Messiah at his return when he subdues all the nations of the Earth. Very soon all will believe in the Son of God because he will be here on Earth, ruling in his Kingdom.


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