
Some information on the clocks below may change or be updated

Within the pages of the Bible we have a chronology of events that allows the reader to construct a Time Line that takes the age of a person when their son was born and then the age their sons son was born and so on. When these years are all added up we get a fairly accurate figure for events such as the Great Flood. Using Bible time this way is probably more accurate than scientific methods.

The clock spans a period of 7,200 years or 144 Jubilee's (a Jubilee is 50 years) from Adam to the end of the age, giving us a window into the past and allowing us to see when events happened and who was alive and when. The clock is divided into two spans of 3,600 years, the first spans from Adam through to the Messiah, the second from the Messiah's death to the End of the Age.
ADAM lived for 930 years, which means he was still alive during the early life of LAMECH, Noah's father, allowing word of mouth transmission of events that happened throughout Adams life, which would have included information about the NEPHALIM who were the sons of the Angels who transgressed.

Following the Biblical Count from Adam to the Messiah using just years, we arrive at Dates of events that fit the Historical record without the use of Calendars that only confuse the mind. We are told that the designation of AD started at the birth of the Messiah, of which there is no historical record. It would be more logical to use Biblical time and Prophetic time to calculate the Birth and Death of the Messiah, and this is what has been done here. This method also aligns with some Historical years of events down to the present.
Adam down to Sham (Shem), Son of Nach (Noah), gives a total of 1,556 years, Noah was 500 years old when Shem was born and 600 years old during the Flood or 1,656 years from Adam giving us a date of 1944 BC for the Flood.
From The Great Flood we continue to add the birth years bringing us to ABRAHAM and the birth of ISAAC, 2,046 years from Adam or 1554 BC. This period also includes the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. ISAAC is 60 at the birth of JACOB but we don't have an age for Jacob at the birth of JOSEPH.
We are told that Joseph was 30 when he became second only to Pharaoh in Egypt. We know the age of Jacob when he died aged 147. He had lived in Egypt for 17 years, so if we take 17 from 147 we are left with 130, then take away Joseph's age 30, we are left with JACOB aged 100 at the birth of Joseph, 2,206 years from Adam or 1394 BC. Then we find JOSEPH, 30 years old when Israel moves to Egypt in 1364 BC because of the famine. Historical dating is made more difficult by applying biased claims and dates to the evidence found. Pharaoh Djoser and the compound at Saqqara with its large grain silos is strong evidence for a seven year famine. This is confirmed by the fact that there was a Drought and Famine documented during this time but experts date it to an earlier time.

From the time of Joseph we are told that Israel was in Egypt for 400 years, then they are delivered from slavery by Alahym (God).
MASHAH (MOSES) being the person chosen by Alahaym as His Spirit Anointed Mashayach, to confront Pharaoh, along with Aaron as his Prophet Brother.
The EXODUS 964 BC brought freedom from slavery only for Israel to end up wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. JOSHUA takes over as leader when Moses dies having lived for 120 years. After Joshua takes Israel over the River Jordan he leads them in battle against the inhabitants of the promised land.

Joshua dies aged 110 years, leaving Israel to their own path resulting in the need for Judges to keep control. Israel then ask Alahym (God) for a King to rule over them like the other nations. Their first King was SAUL. He lost his kingship and was replaced by the Shepherd King David who establishes his Kingdom over Israel. Davids Son Solomon builds Alahym (God) a house known as The Temple around 884 BC.

We then have a date from History of 609 BC when King Nebuchadnesar of Babylon destroys the Temple and the people are taken captive to Babylon. After 70 years King Cyrus of Persia conquers Babylon in 539 BC and supports the return of the people to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem.


Prophesy comes from Alahym (God). What He directs always comes to completion so we can rely on His Word. In any calculation we need a starting point and this is exactly what we are given by the prophet Daniel who was shown what would take place in the future. DANIEL 8:13-14 gives us a period of 2300 years that span from the destruction of the second Temple, to things being made right again. Chapter 9:24, then 25-27 gives two periods measured in seventies of years, when multiplied by 7 gives 490 and 490 added together gives 980. This corresponds to a two part prophesy. The first part that totals 483 years, running from the decree made by Cyrus the Great in 539 BC to the birth of The Messiah in 56 BC. The second part totals 56 years to the death of the Messiah, followed by a 7 year period after the Messiah is resurrected and seen by many. Later in 70 AD the Temple is destroyed by the Romans.



We should not believe stories telling us when the Messiah was born or when he died, we should look to Bible prophecy for the answers and then examine historical records for supporting evidence, which is what we have here.
Herod Antipater the Idumaean was the father of Herod the Great
He was a friend of the Roman Julius Caesar whom he thought would give his support to make him King of Judea. At this time in history events moved from one to another with great speed causing a lot of confusion among Historians resulting in a mixing of events. Antipater the Idumaean who was also named Herod and the founder of the Herodian Dynasty, was made Governor (Procurator) of Judea around 63 BC.

According to the Historian Josephus, Antipater was given to believe that after giving his support in the Roman wars, he would be made King of Judea, a position many believed he already held in all but name. He then appointed his two sons in government positions, one in Galilee and one in Jerusalem. On hearing about the birth of a future King, the Messiah in 56 BC, and worried that this would challenge his plans for a dynasty which included his son Herod's future. This was most likely the cause of the decree that infants two years and younger should be put to death. Because of this decree Joseph and Mary, having been warned by a Messenger from God, took the baby to Egypt, Matthew 2:13-14.

Julius Caesar was murdered in 44 BC. Antipater was murdered by poison in 43 BC one year after Julius Caesar's murder. After Herod Antipater the Idumaean's death Mary and Joseph returned home to Nazareth, Matthew 2:19-23. The Messiah would now be about 12 years old, Luke 2:41-42. The Church and Historians overlook this period, attributing the death of the infants to Herod the Great in an effort to make their account of events fit with their story and not the Bible account. There are other twists and turns we will look at later, that can be found in the Gospels.

In 37 BC Herod Antipater's son became King (the Herod responsible for John the Baptist's death) he would later be known as Herod the Great. As a note of interest to those who change history, the land was still known as Judea and not Palestine.

27 BC was the beginning of Emperor Augustus Caesars reign. He was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. Luke 3:22-23 Yahushah (Jesus) was about 30 years old when He was baptised by John the Baptist who witnessed the Anointing by the Spirit, in the shape of a dove, from God his Heavenly Father, signalling the beginning of His Ministry around 26 BC. Years later the Messiah was speaking to the Pharisees and Jews in the Temple about Abraham having lived to see His day and he saw it. they replied to this by saying to Him "you are not yet fifty years old (implying that he was in his late forties) how can you say you have seen Abraham?" John 8:57-58. Was this an indication that by now He was in his late Forties? This would be a logical conclusion if all the other dates match up. He would be 56 at His death. We also have to bear in mind that the introduction of "AD" (without knowing the year of the birth of the Messiah) complicated historical dating, we are using Biblical time and Prophetic time with some historical dates.


Prophesy again comes into play, spanning from the formation of Islam down to the present. Islam is not mentioned by name but by description in the prophesy given to Daniel. There are two points of reference and two time spans. The first one is, The Birth of Islam around 628 AD. This reference (yellow line) spans 1290 years down to 1918 AD.


The second reference point is the Dome of the Rock, built around 690 AD, this reference (white line) spans 1335 years down to 2025 AD

During the period leading up to 2025 AD we are told of a scattering of the power of The Holy People. This would be a time of distress among the nations.

When the two clocks BC and AD are looked at together, we see that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in 1554 BC and the year 2025 AD converge at the same point. Could this be the point at which the Messiah returns or is it the beginning of the Judgment of the Nations at a time of similar Lawless conditions and the rise of the Antichrist Church? As said before, Time is Shorter than we think! If Islam and the Church come together for a PEACE Deal, along with Israel, then Sudden Destruction could be just round the corner. 1 Thessalonians 5:3

If you have read the book of Daniel, you will have noticed another prophesy regarding the Sanctuary. Daniel 8:11-12 says that the Army of Heaven was restrained from responding to the rebellion 8:13-14. The Messenger tells Daniel about 2300 evenings and mornings that will pass until the the Temple is made right again. At verse 26, He is told that none of these things will happen for a long time. If we count 2300 years from the destruction of the temple we arrive at the year 2370 AD

The information provided on this website regarding specific years is only intended as a guide so that we can see where we are in the flow of time leading up to The Kingdom of Heaven.
continuing research - there may be updates to figures shown above


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