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Welcome to GreySurfer.Net
If you find anything questionable on this website please send your comments to:
thegreysufer@gmail.com I will do my best to give you an answer. My only hope is that you find inspiration to search for and question and share all things until we all have a full knowledge of everything. May Our Heavenly Father Bless You with understanding His Word. LEAD IN THE WRONG DIRECTION My name is David Jones. I set up this website a number of years ago with the intention of finding and sharing evidence for Extraterrestrial Life, believing in NASA and the information they had or had not been feeding us. At that time I had a belief in God but felt there was something missing in what I had been given to believe. I was starting to slip away from religion and moving towards science and astronomy, although I still retained a belief in the Creator. My website reflected this change. What I found was very interesting to say the least, though in the wrong direction. Maybe I had to go down this path first to understand why it was wrong. With my discovery of the book 'The 12th Planet by Zechariah Sitchin', my belief in the 'Anunnaki' began to grow and my website changed its face somewhat. In 2012 with the anticipated approach of the Planet Nibiru the topic of the News on the internet, it seemed that my understanding of the meaning of life had changed to support this new found information. While reading about the Anunnaki as put forward by Sitchin, I found that the Anunnaki also believed in a Creator of all life. This left an opening in my mind that was about to be filled. While browsing the internet, I came across videos on YouTube about the belief in the 'Flat Earth' theory that was spreading across the internet. As I searched for supporting theories and facts about this topic, my website again changed its theme. The main driving force behind the Flat Earth theory was its origin in the Bible. This brought me back to Genesis and God as the Creator of the World we live in. Having a Dome above our heads came closer to reality, with NASA's findings regarding the "Van Allen" radiation belts and the sharp boundary of intense Radiation that presents a problem for Space Travel. This is a quote from the youtube video about NASA's Orion Space Capsule project: "We must solve these challenges before we send people through this region of space". This information is an eye opener! See NASA YouTube video. Don't forget to press your Browser Back Button after watching the video to return here. The conclusion dawned on me that we never went to the Moon and it was all fabricated. Science died that day and so did Aliens and the Planet Nibiru, being replaced with a renewed zeal for finding the truth about the Creator. BACK TO REALITY - FROM DARKNESS INTO LIGHT My main focus was now on the Book of Genesis. To understand it more clearly I needed to look at it from a Jewish perspective, and that needed an understanding of the Hebrew language. As my research progressed I was drawn towards the name of the Creator. From the Gospels I realised that I did not know His True Name or the True Name of His Son. I new that this subject could be controversial but the Hebrew language, from a Scriptural viewpoint, needed to be re-examined. Modern Hebrew has moved away from its original ancient form and the true meaning of some words had been lost. The Hebrew Scriptures had not escaped the hand of the translators, yet the name, יהוה 'Yahuah', could still be found but was said to be unpronounceable according to the Experts. The Scriptures, when translated into English, had the Name replaced nearly 7000 times with the words, 'the Lord' or 'God'. The Hebrew Scriptures and the Accounts of the Disciples of the Messiah had been translated into Greek with no surviving original documents and then the Greek Torah was translated back into Hebrew and eventually English, along with the Gospels. This posed a problem concerning the Messiah's Name. I continued to look for evidence as I read the Scriptures. THE PASSOVER שה LAMB OF אלהים ALAHAYM (ELOHIM) It was during Passover 2017 (I am not a Jew, just someone with Faith), I was reading the account in the book of Exodus about Israel in Egypt, Exodus 12:1-14, Moses and Aaron were being instructed by Alahaym (God) concerning the Passover 'Lamb', Hebrew: שה, English: ShaH, Exodus 12:3. The parallel with the Messiah was foremost in my mind when, at this point, my Faith in The Creator and His Son rose to a new level when I experienced the effect of The Spirit, the reality of the unseen presence working in my being, bearing witness to what I was reading. The next revelation came while reading about Abraham offering his son Isaac as a sacrifice when he was stopped from carrying out the procedure by Alahaym (God), who provided an alternative in the form of a young Ram caught in a (Thorn) bush, Genesis, 22:1-13, in particular verse, 13. The internet and YouTube played its part in this enlightened view of the parallel with the Messiah. If this Lamb, (a young male sheep) pointed towards the Messiah, having its head caught in a thicket, it would be strange if it were not a Thorn Bush. The Crown of Thorns being on the head of the Messiah at His Crucifixion as indicating he was carrying our Sins. Thorns and thistles have been associated with a curse introduced for the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Genesis 3:17-18, in particular verse,18. Having my focus shifted towards the 'Lamb' brought about an understanding of a link with 'The Lamb' found in the Gospels and the last Book of Revelation, an understanding that explained who the Creator was, and His Name. My return to Faith and the Reality that my Redeemer Lives, brought about by His Spirit being within me, now guiding me in understanding His word. This website is dedicated to the Holy Spirit, Our Father and His Spirit Son. SCRIPTURE - WRITING FROM THE PAST Scripture is writing that records spoken words, events, conversations, messages, visions, warnings, thoughts, descriptions, names, places, journeys and directions. These are but a part of what Scripture contains to convey meaning to things of importance of value and that are not just history but a lifetime of experiences conveyed across the centuries, having a life of its own that almost breaths itself into the reader. This is the Living Word of The Creator, the Life that guided and directed Creation, from the beginning of everything to the end of everything and on that road through life, Man was inspired by The Spirit to write everything down so that others could be inspired when they read it. It is alive and able to discern between what is right or wrong, good and bad, friend or foe. It penetrates the Heart and Mind of the reader. How can this be true of mere words on a Scroll of Parchment, a Tablet of Stone or Book of Paper, what makes it so unique and powerful? The answer is that it is the Breath of the Creator that gives life to all of us and through that breath comes the inspiration that guides the mind of the Scribe and the voice of the Orator, to accomplish all that 'The Creator' sent it out to do. These are not empty words of a storyteller or of someone who wishes to entertain, they have purpose, they accomplish that which was intended and are powerful in their execution of that purpose. All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching for reproving and for setting things straight, so that the Man of God may be equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16. The Word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword and is able to distinguish between the Soul and Spirit, between joint and marrow and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 If you find anything questionable on this website please send your comments to: thegreysufer@gmail.com I will do my best to give you an answer. My only hope is that you find inspiration to search for and question and share all things until we all have a full knowledge of everything. May Our Heavenly Father Yahuah Bless You with understanding His Word. |